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The Jersey Footprint in Africa
The Virtual Conference held in November can be viewed here
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Jersey Fertility Comparisons
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Jersey Herd Pays its Way
Alongside the farm’s main Holstein herd, the 2019 NMR/RABDF Gold Cup winning Sloan family manage Jerseys. Robert Sloan explains the reasons for establishing this second herd…. More
Jersey x Yaks in China
Just a short message updating you of the government funded trial on crossbreeding yaks with the Jerseys undergoing here. You could see the photos of the Jersey bulls and their crossbred offsprings grazing on the pasture at the elevation of 3500 metres happily.
I also have had two calves born in my Jersey herd this year and am expecting another one in days. The first crop crossbred cattle offsprings by my own bull are very good with very correct conformation, no calving difficulty at all, and very fast growth without signs of brisket disease, therefore is now gaining popularity rapidly among the villagers. Two male weanings have already been sold at a price five times higher than a local yearling, helping villagers gain income very effectively.
Camden Valley Retired Dairy Meat Brand Growing in Popularity
Retired dairy cows whose milk duties have dried up are being used to supply a new beef brand that is gaining popularity with butchers and high-end chefs …. More
New Jersey World Butterfat Record
For the first time in more than a dozen years, a new world record for fat production by a Registered Jersey …. More
President’s New Year’s Greeting 2020
President’s New Year’s Greeting 2020
Jerseys Make Better Butter in Canada
From the National Post in Canada – Supply management be damned. Is Canada on the brink of a butter revolution?