A full description of each category of Bureau membership is given in the ‘About Us’ section of this website.
New Life Members are always welcome and application details are available further down this page.
Also listed are contact details for the National Full, Associated and Affiliated member countries
You can become an Individual Life Member of the WJCB by completing the details and sending it to the address at the bottom of the page.
Individual Life Membership for a single payment of £50 (GBP) or $65 (USD) or €65 (Euro) . Payment can be received by BACS transfer.
Applications for membership can be made either online by going
or by downloading an application form
I wish to join the World Jersey Cattle Bureau as a Life Member, pay the above fee and agree to support the constitution:
[contact-form-7 id="84" title="membership contact form"]
World Jersey Cattle Bureau
Admin Office: Adela Booth Associates Ltd
9 Pellouan, Beganne, Britanny, France, 56350
Tel: +33 (0)2 99 70 68 61
Email: admin@wjcb.net
Admin Office: Adela Booth Associates Ltd
9 Pellouan, Beganne, Britanny, France, 56350
Tel: +33 (0)2 99 70 68 61
Email: admin@wjcb.net