Cheese Awards

2019 World Jersey Cheese Award Winner

******** St Malachi from The Farm at Doe Run*********

Congratulations to The Farm at Doe Run, Pennsylvania, USA with their St Malachi entry,
plus all other Jersey cheesemakers supporting the competition.

Details and Other Winners Here


2018 World Jersey Cheese Award Winner

Lancewood Mascarpone

Morne Muller, Operations Manager and on the right, Cornel Lodewyks, CEO of Lancewood Holdings.

Details and Other Winners Here


Delegates and guests at the 2018 International Conference enjoyed a selection of Jersey cheeses (See Here) . We thank everyone who made this feast possible.

2017 World Jersey Cheese Award Winner
Dalewood Fromage Huguenot
Congratulations to Petrina & Rob Visser

A SUPER, SUPER proud moment and day on Dalewood …

A personal presentation function in the Dalewood Cheesery Shop

John Farrand, M.D of the Guild of Fine Food in the U.K, owners and organisers of the World Cheese Awards on a visit to South Africa and Arno Theron, President of Jersey S.A. made a special trip to the farm to hand over our World Champion Jersey Cheese Trophy from the World Jersey Cattle Bureau – a wonderful piece of Ballymorris ceramic art.

Photos by Andrew Gorman Events

Dalewood Fromage Huguenot® with Awards

Dries Rossouw (Agri Manager), Lukas Mehlomakhulu (Herd Manager), Arno Theron (President Jersey SA)

Back row: Dries Rossouw, Lukas Mehlomakhulu
Front row: Georgie Visser, Jolette Wilmot, Petrina Visser, Nellie Fischer, Rob Visser

Dalewood Fromage Huguenot
Arno Thereon (President Jersey SA), Dries Rossouw (Agri Manager), Lukas Mehlomakhulu (Herd Manager), John Farrand (MD Guild of Fine Food UK)
John Farrand (MD Guild of Fine Food UK), Rob Visser, Petrina Visser, Georgina Visser, Dries Rossouw

The beautiful South African environment in which the cows graze

The Power of PedigreeFine Food Digest August 2016
Jersey Island already use the power of pedigree to great effect in dairy product marketing. Similarly Longley Farm, in the UK, requires pedigree registration of all Jerseys supplying their product. And ‘The Queen of Quality’ mark from AJCA is encouraging and supporting manufacturers of Jersey products across the USA. The opportunity to use Jersey pedigree status wider, and ever more imaginatively, can help the breed’s image further.

World Jersey Cheese Awards

The World Jersey Cheese Awards were established in 2008 by the World Jersey Cattle Bureau.

The World Jersey Cheese Awards were the first awards scheme where the products are all derived from a single breed of livestock – the Jersey Cow.

Cheese makers from around the world are invited to enter their cheese, which must be made from 100% Jersey milk, and compete with their contemporaries for this prestigious award of the World’s Best Jersey Cheese.

This event provides an ideal opportunity to be part of the phenomenal expansion that is ‘The Jersey’, the premier breed of dairy cow.



The 7th World Jersey Cheese Awards 2018

Judged on Friday 2nd November 2018 in Bergen, Norway

World’s Best Jersey Cheese – Lancewood Mascarpone, South Africa



The 6th World Jersey Cheese Awards 2017

Judged on Friday 17th November 2017 in London

In conjunction with the Guild of Fine Foods at The Taste of London Festival

World’s Best Jersey Cheese – Dalewood Fromage Huguenot, South Africa



The 5th World Jersey Cheese Awards 2016

Judged on Thursday 17th November 2016 in San Sebastian

World’s Best Jersey Cheese – Spring Brook Farm, USA, Tarantaise



The 4th World Jersey Cheese Awards 2014

Judged on Friday 12th September 2014 in Stellenbosch.

World’s Best Jersey Cheese – Remeker, The Netherlands, Olde Remeker 14 months

Best use of the Jersey Brand – Thise Dairy Company, Denmark, Thise Kings Jersey Gouda


The 3rd World Jersey Cheese Awards 2012

World’s Best Jersey Cheese – Jersey Blue by Willi Schmid of Switzerland


Jersey Cheese Awards 2011
Oceania Region


The 2nd World Jersey Cheese Awards 2010

World’s Best Jersey Cheese – Jersey Blue by Willi Schmid of Switzerland


2009 Jersey Cheese Awards
North American Region

Best North American Cheese – Ascutney Mountain by Cobb Hill Cheese

Press Release


The 1st World Jersey Cheese Awards 2008

Supreme Winner – Jan Dirk Van der Voort of Holland
